And... we're back
Last semester went incredibly fast. I'm glad, in a way, but since I'm staying in school... FOREVER... it really has no effect on my time here at the U of T. I've had all of my classes but one, so far. Here's how it is looking:
Journalism & Electronic Media 200 NEWS WRITING:
This course could be fun and easy (since the longest paper we have to write is 2 pages with HUGE margins) OR it might be a bit... much. Apparently you have to know a butt-load of grammer to write news. Who knew?
I love the teacher (he was my film teacher last semester- very charismatic- from Brooklyn) and I love the books we will read. Just to name a few: Whale Rider, Layer Cake, Bad Haircut, The Great Gatsby, Hope Leslie... etc. It's a small class, so I think there will be lots of enjoyable discussion. (Although, there is someone in that class that smells... and I mean SMELLS. That, my friends, seems to be the only drawback.)
Journalism & Electronic Media 275 ELECTRONIC MEDIA:
I hope I like this course... A LOT, since it is my major. We get to volunteer 2 hours a week at either the UT radio station or TVC (TN Volunteer Channel). I would love to be involved in the production and editing of the TV station... especially since it is getting ready to go to Comcast. That would be a nifty experiece to put on the ole' resume...
I'm still up in the air on this one. It seems like a difficult class, and the classroom (that looked like it should hold only 15) had about 40 people in it. There are two teachers which seem to really know their stuff... but it might be a bit taxing. Globalization is neat, though, so maybe that will be enough to get me through.
This is the class I have not been to yet. I was in an Italian Film class... but it turned out to be Spaghetti Westerns... which I could NOT take an entire semester of. GOOD GOD. We watched High Noon and I just wanted them to kill eachother after the 3rd scene. So- I switched into this class. It sounds awesome... I'll let you know how it goes.
I also may be in the UT Opera Theatre's production of Most Happy Fella. I'll let everyone know about that too.
Well, this semester should be interesting. If anyone is ever looking for me, just figure I'm reading something. Man- I'll have read 10 novels at the end of this semester... SWEET.
Ok- ciao kids.
Mari (or Mira... as Enterprise Rent-A-Car printed my name on the invoice...)