
I can't believe that amendment 1 passed with such a majority. I figured it would pass, but did THAT many people have to vote for it? It makes me sad to be alive, honestly. But, at least I gave it my all, right? I told as many people as I possibly could about it. I wore shirts and signed people up to vote. Is that really all I could have done? I just feel like most people who voted yes must not know many gay people. I can't imagine voting yes and knowing one homosexual person. It's just strange to me.
I guess I'm rambling, but I'm so... dissapointed is the word.
Tennessee, I'm dissapointed in you.
At least the democrats are doing well with everything. That gives me hope. On the way home tonight I listened to "Imagine" by Mr. Lennon. We just have to have hope about issues such as these. At least it got people talking and thinking. Someday it will be different. That's what we have to keep telling ourselves.
Goodnight, Tennessee
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