Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Define Genocide

I'm in a hurry... walking my usual brisk walk to Communication class. I was walking across the street to the humanities walkway. I saw an orange sign in the distance. I realized it was that time of year again - the time of year where the super-duper-pro-lifers put up photographs of dead feti and posters claiming "Genocide Photos" lie ahead.

The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group

The last time I checked, feti are not a national group, a racial group, a political group (fetus for governor?), or an ethnic group. So... genocide was not QUITE the correct term to use about abortion.

People that have abortions do not do so systematically, nor do they plan to do so... or else they wouldn't need to have the abortion.

So- I guess I'm just venting. I don't want to see pictures of dead anything... anywhere.

That's all I have to say about that right now. But, just wait until next semester when they're back. I'll take a coat hanger proudly.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Damn it feels good to be an American

I just watched Farenheight 9/11. I'm just apalled. George W. Bush is just terrible. I knew this before, but I know it even more now. I'm sick of white, affluent males running everything in this country. Freedom? Liberty? Justice? Apparently all these words are gone from our vocabulary. Wait, they aren't gone, they're just misused. Iraq did NOTHING to America. Iraq killed NO American citizens. But, we (I'm using the term loosely- only 51% voted for this joker) decided that we would attack them and kill THEIR innocent civilians. Small children were blown apart because "Iraq was a threat." WHEN? When was Iraq a threat?

Oh- on a side note- WHERE IS OSAMA?

I thought he was the one who orchestrated the attacks on the Twin Towers? Isn't he the one we should be finding and questioning? The problem is that Americans have confused a few key terms in this "War on Terror." Here they are:

To the American public:

Iraq = Taliban
Saddam = Osama
Bush = Safety
Democracy = Good

Anyone else see the problem? Yes, I'm pissed. I'm sick of our government. I'm sick of the inequality. I'm sick of male presidents. At this point, I'm willing to move to Mexico.

Anyone wanna join me? Tacos all around?


Notice my patriotism in this blog. "These colors don't run." (WHAT?!?!)

Number One

Well- this is my first post. I'm new at this whole "blogger" concept, so bare with me. I'm sick at the moment. It sucks. You know when you have the sniffles and you breathe in pretty hard more times than you normally would and you always have this feeling like you're a little light-headed? Yeah- that's how I feel right now. Today, Casey and I went apartment searching. It was rather successful. She's fasting for this thingy... it starts with an R. I don't remember what it's called. I can't fast. I tried it once, but a hamburger got the best of me. Ok- this post sucks doesn't it? No one wants to read about me, do they? Nope.

It's cold.

Yeah- apparently Fall just wasn't really in the mood to show up this year in TN. Tennessee weather sucks, in case not everyone knows that little tidbit.

I'm not sure what else to write about. I still wonder why I chose my major every FREAKIN' day. I know some of you guys feel my pain on this one. (Nik... Clarissa... Jillian...) And those of you who do know EXACTLY what you want to do in your life... well, you're all freaks. It's true!

Well- I'm going to go see if something good is on Lifetime. God, that channel is AMAZING.
