Sunday, October 22, 2006

Let's go Back to the Future

Life is complicated. We all know that. I realize it is nothing new. But, it doesn't make it any easier when that mack truck hits us in the side of the head and says "hey- let's shake things up."

There is a common myth circulating about people: they can't change. This, ladies & gentlemen, is false. People can change... if they are willing. I am a firm believer that when someone says "That's just how I am" it is a cop-out. It may not be easy to change, but it is possible. If people couldn't change we would all still have our 6-year-old-don't-cut-me-in-line personalities. Some people haven't gotten past that stage, but most of us have.

You know when people say "You really don't have to pick a career now. Just work a little and figure it out."? Well, I don't like those people. Hah. Just kidding. What I don't like is the fact that it is a lie. Well, it's improbable if you are going to grad school in a year and half. What degree will I get? You can't do undecided in grad school. (damn - wouldn't that be nice?) Bollocks.

Clarissa, if you read this- I miss you. I know I wouldn't be seeing you right now, personally, but I could at least call you on the phone. I miss our long, silly phone conversations. :) They always ground me if that makes sense. I hope you are having an amazing time, though. I'm sure you are. ;)

Well, I'm going to try to think about some homework, but I'm just not in the mood. We'll see what actually happens.




At 12:50 PM, Blogger Claire said...

Hey Mari,

I DO read your blog, I'm sorry I've been so busy I haven't been able to write comments. I've been planning to write you a nice long email, but for some reason the computer I am on right now will not let me log into my email...grr.

Sounds like a lot of stuff is going on in your life right now. I'd love to know details. I miss you too, SO MUCH.

Right now I am in the middle of my fall break. I spent three days in Paris with two friends, and it was amazing. Right now I am in Scotland by myself, which is kind of scary but also kind of liberating. It is beautiful here - I am up in the highlands, and I have finally figured out why our school mascot is the Highlander and why we host the highland games. It looks so much like east Tennessee - misty mountains, gorgeous fall foliage, little valleys and rivers. It's unspoilt scenery. Instead of chalets they have sheep. I wish you were here to see it.

Like I said, drop me a line any time - in case you don't have my email, it's Even if I can't access it now, I should be able to by Sunday.



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