Saturday, June 24, 2006

Parliamo Italiano

7 days until I get on a plane and head to Italia for 7 weeks.

7 days.

7 days?

7 days!!

Ok, sorry. The realization just hit me. What an awesome time this shall be. I plan on turning this into a travel blog while I'm over there. Makes sense, right? I have no idea how frequently I can update this, but I'll do my best. Everyone hates mass emails, so I shan't bore anyone with those. This will be better for all parties. That way, you can check this when you think, "I wonder what that crazy Mari is up to in Italy..." instead of checking your mail and thinking, "Why does that crazy Mari think I care a hoot about what she up to in Italy?"

So- I'll be in Urbino, Italy. Email me if you want to know my address and phone number (yeah- I've got a cool Italian cell phone. Jealous?) while I'll be there. I am not putting it on here for obvious anti-stalkerish reasons.

Anywho, I'm insanely excited. I'll be taking Italian 211 and 212 and Jillian is taking Italian 111 and Art History something-or-other. I have a feeling I will be learning some Italian on the long plane ride over. We are going with Rutgers in NJ so we will be around people with Italian accents and NJ accents. No telling what kind of accents we will come back with.

I am bringing my new camcorder so if anyone wants to relive this trip with me they are welcome to watch the video when I come back.

Yay! I'm excited if you can't tell.




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