Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

I love movies that make you glad you're alive. There are few of them, but Almost Famous happens to be the one I just watched.

I love books. You know that. But, I love visual art. I know movies don't leave much to the imagination visually, but think about it, most movies are no longer that 2 hours (Ok, I know... Titanic, Gone With The Wind, and Shindler's List took longer...). Wonderful stories can be told in days. Where is the story that was before the beginning and after the end of the movie? It's in our imaginations and it can be different for everyone. That is why I really think I could do this. I think that I can tell stories through film. It fascinates me that I can watch a square box with a picture in it, and I can ball or laugh hysterically. I love it. I do NOT want to be famous... I just want to show people a world different from their own.

All I have to do is buy a camera...


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