And the summer officially begins...

Ryan and I are back from NYC. The trip was too short and we were sick for half of it. UGH. I think I had the flu... ok, not really, but it sure felt like it. Either way, flying back on a plane when your ears are clogged BEFORE you get on, is NOT ideal.
We had an awesome time, though. We saw Alan Alda (the guy from M.A.S.H.) and I think the guy from Outkast (not sure about that one, though.) the first day we got there, which was kinda funny considering we saw no more famous people the whole trip. We did get to watch a rehearsal of the NYC Ballet Company in the State Theatre at Lincoln Center. Aunt Ruth knew the security guard from when she worked there. It was basically Center Stage live. Very cool.
We got to see The Producers which was fabulous. We loved it. It was just a good ole' old fashioned musical. Lots of glitz and glamour. Then we saw The Lion King and it was the opposite. I saw The Lion King the last time I was in NYC but it was so incredible that I wanted Ryan to see it. I didn't mind seeing it again, of course... lol.
Chinatown was crazy. As soon as we got off the Subway a woman whispered "Chanel purses" in our ears and off we went! We followed her to a van (CREEPY) and then she opened it and said to get it. I was like... NO WAY IN HELL. Then my 80-year-old Aunt got in so I figured I could do it too. Ryan stayed outside to make sure they didn't drive us and sell us into slavery. Then they shut the door and showed us the fake Chanels. They were NOT worth getting into a van over, honestly. lol. But, I did get a fake Luis Vuitton (sp?) watch and some sunglasses.
So, now that the excitement of the trip has worn off (and that nasty cold) I'm ready to get organized. ALL the stuff from my dorm is in my tiny little room and there is no room to move around at all. (BTW... I have lots of clothes...) I want to get it all taken care of before I go to Girls State (May 26)... but that might not happen.
Ryan went to Nashville today to start his internship. This will be the first summer we will really have to do the long distance thing. It should suck, but we can do it. I'm going to go visit him and Katie and Casey after Girls State.
I guess that's really all that's new here. Oh, BTW- that self-tanner stuff only works for a little while. It all flaked off my legs and now I'm as white as ever. Ugh. I shan't give in to tanning beds though! I've never been in one and I don't plan on it either. So, there!
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